The Global Market for Cigars is Projected to Reach 19.9 Billion Sticks by 2020
Less Stringent Regulatory Framework as Compared to
Cigarettes Drives the Global Cigar Market, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
announces the release of a comprehensive global report on Cigars. The global
market for Cigars is projected to reach 19.9 billion sticks by 2020, driven
by the less stringent regulatory environment and tax policies as compared to
cigar market is largely influenced by the smoking culture, economic
environment, and regulations. Machine made cigars, cigarillos and little cigars
represent the bulk of the global cigar market in terms of volume and value. The
relatively less stringent tax framework and regulatory structure for cigars in
comparison to cigarettes is driving smokers to switch to cigars from
continued weakness in economic climate in most regional markets across the
globe is encouraging sales of small cigars and cigarillos. As a result, mass
market strategies have become critical to manufacturers to maintain
profitability. A key trend in the market is the launch of cigars in
kid-friendly flavors such as chocolate, candy, and fruit to attract youth and
young adults. Premiumization of cigars in certain markets is driving demand for
large size and premium branded cigars. Premium cigars market which represents a
niche segment is witnessing significant sales growth. Cuban cigars, the leading
segment in the premium cigars market, have bounced back from recession and are
witnessing increasing demand in China, Europe and the Middle East. Despite the
growth, the market will face challenges in the long-term posed by increasing
excise taxes, growing health awareness and smoking bans. Smoking cigarillos and
cigars leads to a number of health hazards, and will thereby witness considerable
social and regulatory pressures similar to cigarettes and other tobacco
stated by the new market research report on Cigars, the United States
represents the single largest market worldwide. Driven by the strong cigar
smoking culture, the country leads the global cigar market in terms of volume
and value sales. While tighter
regulations and market maturity are slowing down demand in established cigar
markets, a surge in demand is being witnessed in emerging markets. Asia Pacific
ranks as the fastest growing market with a projected CAGR of 10.2% over the
analysis period. The growth in the region is driven by the presence of a large
number of smokers, budding cigar smoking culture, and upscale lifestyles that
encourage consumption of high priced consumer goods that symbolize luxury,
sophistication, and style including cigars. In developing markets, cigars are
increasingly being positioned and marketed as a lifestyle product for the young
and financially successful population.
players covered in the report include Agio Cigars, Altadis SA, Dannemann
Cigarenfabrik GmbH, Habanos SA, John Middleton Co., Scandinavian Tobacco Group
A/S, Swedish Match AB and Swisher International.
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